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  • Asociacija vienijanti finansų profesionalus
  • Organizacija, turinti didžiausią kompetenciją finansų srityje
  • Nenutrūkstamas profesinis ir asmeninis tobulėjimas
Asociacija vienijanti finansų profesionalus

Asociacija vienijanti finansų profesionalus

Organizacija, turinti didžiausią kompetenciją finansų srityje

Organizacija, turinti didžiausią kompetenciją finansų srityje

Nenutrūkstamas profesinis ir asmeninis tobulėjimas

Nenutrūkstamas profesinis ir asmeninis tobulėjimas


FAA investavimo programos diskusija

Renginio tema:

Public Private Partnership (PPP) – an emerging asset class in Lithuania?


16/12/2013 6:00 PM

Renginio vieta:

Swedbank conference hall, Konstitucijos ave. 20A, Vilnius


This event is open to the public

Financial Analysts Association (FAA) in cooperation with Lithuanian Financial Markets Institute (LFMI) is pleased to invite you to an open discussion which will take place 16th December 2013 on 6:00 PM. The main topic of the discussion is: “Public Private Partnership (PPP) – an emerging asset class in Lithuania?”. Three guest speakers are scheduled to give short introductory presentations on the topic to be followed by a panel discussion as well as an open discussion with the participation of all the attendees.

18:00 – 18:05

Opening of the discussion

18:05 – 18:25

Lithuanian PPP market in foreign investor‘s view
Lars Ohnemus, founder and president of BPT Asset Management

18:25 – 18:45 Overview of PPP projects in Lithuania, main trends in Lithuanian as well as global PPP market
Jonas Kimontas, Chief Project Manager at Invest Lithuania
18:45 – 19:05 Regulatory, structuring and financing trends in Lithuanian PPP market
Joana Baublyte, Associate Partner at Lawin
19:05 – 19:45


Panel discussion about PPP in Lithuania
Lars Ohnemus (BPT Asset Management)
Jonas Kimontas (Invest Lithuania)
Joana Baublyte (Lawin)
Aurimas Maždžierius (Swedbank Asset Management)
Mindaugas Vaičiulis - moderator (FAA)

For registration, please send us an e-mail to Šis el.pašto adresas yra apsaugotas nuo šiukšlų. Jums reikia įgalinti JavaScript, kad peržiūrėti jį.

This event is open to the public, thus feel free to forward this invitation to everyone who might be interested, incl. your colleagues, partners, etc. The event is free of charge and will be held in English.



Finansų analitikų asociacija
Tel.: +370 687 13319
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